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Extend service delivery across all teams with Jira Service Management

Written by Raffaele D'elia | Jun 22, 2023 3:40:00 PM

Jira Service Management is well-known for its strong IT Service Management capabilities, but since its launch in 2020, it has evolved beyond its IT origins, and it has become an invaluable tool for various non-IT teams across organizations, such as HR, facilities, marketing, and more. In this blog post, we're going to show you what's the main value this enterprise software offers to both, IT teams, and business teams.

During a breakout session of the High-Velocity ITSM event the Atlassian Team Tour 2023 celebrated in Barcelona, our team highlighted the growing trend of non-IT teams creating Jira Service Management portals. Real use cases were shared, how outstanding service can be extended from diverse teams.

The success of Jira Service Management implementing Enterprise Service Management (ESM) solutions benefits every team. Let's see why:

5 Key characteristics teams beyond IT benefits from Jira Service Management.

1. The power of adaptability 

Jira Service Management's flexibility enables any team to transition from manual, disjointed systems to a centralized platform for managing requests and workflows. By customizing request types, workflows, and service-level agreements (SLAs), non-IT teams can align Jira Service Management with their unique requirements and optimize their service delivery processes. 

2. Streamlining service requests 

Jira Service Management provides a self-service portal that allows employees and stakeholders to easily submit service requests. Non-IT teams can create specific request forms tailored to their needs, enabling users to provide essential information upfront. This streamlines the request intake process, reduces manual data entry, and ensures that requests are properly categorized and assigned to the right team members. 

3. Collaboration and knowledge sharing

To deliver exceptional service, effective collaboration is as essential for non-IT teams as for IT teams. Jira Service Management offers collaborative features like internal comments, @mentions, and attachments, facilitating seamless communication among team members. Additionally, the knowledge base functionality allows teams to create and share articles, FAQs, and solutions, enabling users to access self-help resources and reducing the need for repetitive inquiries. 

4. Automation and SLA management 

Jira Service Management's flexibility enables any team to transition from manual, disjointed systems to a centralized platform for managing requests and workflows. By customizing request types, workflows, and service-level agreements (SLAs), non-IT teams can align Jira Service Management with their unique requirements and optimize their service delivery processes

5. Reporting and insights

Data-driven decision-making is crucial for continuous improvement. Jira Service Management offers comprehensive reporting and analytics features, allowing non-IT teams to gain insights into their service performance, identify bottlenecks, and make data-backed improvements. Customizable dashboards and visualizations enable teams to monitor key metrics, track trends, and present performance reports to stakeholders. 

A bonus key reason is a fact that many organizations are already using Jira Service Management as their preferred ITSM tool. Leveraging JSM for non-IT teams, such as HR, allows for seamless integration with existing IT infrastructure and promotes a unified approach to service delivery. A "one portal, one tool" concept simplifies access for employees, consolidates information, and ensures a consistent user experience across departments. 

Maximizing success with Jira Service Management: Key considerations and expert tips 

As organizations embrace Jira Service Management to empower non-IT teams and enhance service delivery, it is crucial to approach the implementation strategically. We'll provide some pro tips to help you with a successful transition and unlock the full potential of Jira Service Management for your team. 

1. Progress iteratively, be Agile 

We believe that transitioning non-IT teamwork to Jira Service Management is best approached incrementally. By starting with specific use cases and gradually expanding the solution, organizations can adopt an agile methodology that allows for iterative improvements and feedback-driven enhancements. This approach minimizes disruption, allows for quick wins, and enables continuous improvement based on evolving requirements

2. Commitment from the organization 

Success with Jira Service Management requires a strong commitment from the organization. This commitment ensures the allocation of necessary resources, support for decision-making on costs and time, and a long-term perspective. It forms the foundation for making informed choices that drive sustained success. 

4. Plan, define, and manage change 

While it's easy to start using Jira Service Management, thoughtful planning is essential for long-term success. Take the time to define your processes, identify key stakeholders, and manage change effectively. Engaging with Solution Partners like Deiser, who can guide you through the process and help you design a tailored solution. We have witnessed instances where Jira implementations became unnecessarily complex due to years of incremental changes. Start with a solid foundation and avoid unnecessary complications. 

5. Foster effective communication 

Communication is critical to drive adoption and maximize the benefits of Jira Service Management. Once your service or practice is up and running, actively promote it within your organization. Spread the buzz, share success stories, and highlight the positive impact. Encourage feedback and address any concerns promptly. By fostering effective communication, you can create a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement. 

To sum up, Jira Service Management is a powerful tool that, when implemented strategically, can transform your organization's service delivery. With the support of an experienced solution partner, such as Deiser, you can navigate the implementation process smoothly and design solutions that generate significant value and deliver an exceptional user experience. Embrace Jira Service Management, embrace efficiency, and unlock the full potential of your non-IT teams.