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Leveraging emotional intelligence for customer and business success

Written by Federico Baronti | Mar 6, 2024 4:25:00 PM

In today's digital world, Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is key to thriving in the workplace. It has also become a critical factor for customer experience and business success. This blog explores the changing role of emotions in business, highlighting the importance of emotional connection for Customer experience (CX). Discover ten ways to leverage emotion strategies to build lasting customer relationships.

Emotions in the workplace have evolved significantly over the years, reflecting broader changes in organizational culture, management theories, and societal values. Here's a general overview of how the perception and role of emotional cues have shifted in the business context:

Traditional views: emotion vs. rationality

    •    Early 20th century: The classical management theories, such as Taylorism (Scientific Management), emphasized efficiency, standardization, and a clear division of labor. Emotions were seen as irrational and a potential threat to productivity and efficiency. The ideal worker was rational, detached, focused solely on tasks, and not in others goals.

    •    Mid-20th century: As human relations theories began to emerge, there was a recognition that social and emotional factors also play a role in the workplace. Researchers like Elton Mayo highlighted the importance of human interaction, morale, and worker satisfaction in productivity. This marked a shift towards seeing employees as social beings whose emotional states could impact organizational outcomes.

The rise of Emotional intelligence

    •    1980s-1990s: Emotional intelligence gained prominence, especially after the work of the author Daniel Goleman in the mid-90s. EQ is the ability to understand and manage one's own emotions and those of others—it became recognized as a valuable skill in leadership and teamwork. Organizations began to value intellectual abilities and emotional competencies, such as empathy, self-regulation, and social skills.

Emotions as a resource

    •    Late 20th and early 21st century: There's been an increasing appreciation for the positive role that emotions can play in creativity, decision-making, and fostering a positive work environment. Positive organizational behavior and positive psychology have emphasized strengths-based approaches, resilience, and the benefits of positive emotions like joy, gratitude, and inspiration.

The era of authenticity and well-being

    •    21st century: The focus on work-life balance, mental health, and authenticity has further elevated the importance of emotions in the workplace. There's a growing recognition that fostering an emotionally healthy workplace contributes to employee well-being, engagement, and overall organizational performance. This period has seen a rise in initiatives to reduce stress, address burnout, and promote psychological safety where employees feel comfortable expressing themselves.

The impact of technology and remote work

    •    With the advent of digital communication software tools and the shift towards remote and hybrid work models, especially accelerated by the Covid-19 pandemic, there's been a new focus on the emotional challenges of isolation, digital communication, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Organizations are exploring new ways to foster emotional connection and remotely support employees' mental health.

Employers value emotional intelligence, especially after the evolution of the protagonism of emotions in the workplace, reflecting a broader shift from viewing employees as merely rational actors to recognizing them as whole beings with emotional, social, and psychological needs.

Today, the emphasis is on creating emotionally intelligent, compassionate, and resilient organizations that support individual well-being and business success. The journey from ignoring emotions to embracing them underscores the complexity and humanity of the workplace, highlighting the integral role emotions play in shaping organizational culture and effectiveness.

In this context, prioritizing customer experience is necessary, especially when customers are teammates and external customers. Putting people at the center of decision-making and attending to their emotions benefits everyone.

The importance of Customer experience in the emotional context of business 

The importance of Customer experience (CX) in the emotional context of business cannot be overstated, as emotions significantly influence customer behavior, loyalty, and brand perception. To quote the emotional innovation expert Elena Alfaro, “95% of decision-making is emotional. Therefore, you cannot run a business, even a digital one, without emotion-based strategies.”

A company's emotional connection with its customers can become a primary differentiator in an era where products and services are increasingly commoditized. Here's how the emotional context of CX impacts business:

Impact Benefits

Building emotional connections

  •    Loyalty and advocacy: Customers with positive emotional experiences with a brand are likelier to become loyal advocates. Emotionally engaged customers are likelier to repeat purchases, recommend the brand to others, and show less price sensitivity.

  •    Memorable experiences: Emotional experiences are more likely to be remembered than solely transactional ones. Positive memories can turn customers into long-term patrons and help a business stand out in a crowded market.

Influencing buying decisions

  •    Emotional decision-making: Emotions play a critical role in decision-making processes. A positive customer experience can evoke joy, trust, and belonging, significantly influencing purchasing decisions.

  •    Reducing churn: Negative emotions, such as frustration or disappointment, can increase customer churn. Proactively managing the customer experience to minimize negative emotions can help retain customers.

Enhancing brand perception

  •    Emotional branding: A brand consistently delivering positive customer experiences can enhance its emotional appeal. This emotional branding helps create a more profound and meaningful connection with the customer, elevating the brand above competitors.

  •    Crisis management: Brands that have built a strong emotional bond with customers may find it easier to navigate through crises. Loyal customers are often more forgiving and supportive when they feel a genuine emotional connection to a brand.

Feedback and continuous improvement

  •    Insights into customer needs: Understanding customers' emotional journeys provides valuable insights that can drive innovation and improvement. Emotional feedback can highlight areas for enhancement that might not be evident through quantitative data alone.

  •    Personalization: By acknowledging the emotional aspects of customer experiences, businesses can better personalize their interactions. Tailoring experiences to individual emotional responses and preferences can significantly enhance satisfaction and loyalty.


  •    Increased Spend: Customers with positive emotional experiences are often willing to spend more with a brand. Emotional connections can justify premium pricing and enhance perceived value.

  •    Competitive Advantage: In industries with similar products and services, the emotional customer experience can be a key competitive advantage, attracting and retaining customers when other differentiators are minimal.

By being aware of the influence of emotion in business, the question arises: How can we enhance customer experience? (internal or external) Engaging an expert to identify areas for improvement is often the best approach. Also, there are different tools and strategies that will also help you to improve the Customer experience:

10 Ways to enhance customer experience

In the following, we will explore different strategies meant to enhance customer experiences, empowering your business to thrive. Start revolutionizing your approach with the subsequent suggestions:

1. Understanding customer needs and expectations

    •    Insight gathering: Use customer feedback, surveys, and data analytics to understand customer preferences, pain points, and expectations.

    •    Customer segmentation: Segment your customer base to tailor experiences more effectively according to different customer needs and behaviors.

TIP: If you're using Jira Service Management for customer service, get to know Gomood, an Atlassian Marketplace app that helps to enhance customer mood control, assisting teams to proactively monitor and track what's happening with customers in real-time, allowing timely corrective actions and ensuring a better customer service experience

2. Personalization

    •    Customized interactions: Offer personalized products, services, and communication based on individual customer data to make each customer feel valued and understood.

    •    Predictive personalization: Leverage AI and machine learning to anticipate customer needs and preferences, offering them solutions or products before they even ask.

3. Seamless omnichannel experiences

    •    Channel consistency: Ensure a consistent experience across all customer touchpoints, including online, in-store, and via customer service.

    •    Integration and accessibility: Integrate various channels so customers can effortlessly switch between them without losing context or having to repeat information.

4. Quality and reliability

    •    Product excellence: Ensure your product or service meets high standards of quality and reliability to meet or exceed customer expectations.

    •    Service consistency: Provide consistently high-quality service to build trust and satisfaction among your customer base.

5. Efficient and effective customer support

    •    Accessibility: Offering multiple support channels (e.g., live chat, phone, email, self-service) and ensuring they all are easily accessible and supported.

    •    Quick resolution: Focus on reducing response times and resolving issues quickly and efficiently, ideally in the first interaction.

6. Engagement and communication

    •    Proactive communication: Keep customers informed about new products, services, or changes that may affect them.

    •    Engagement strategies: Develop strategies to engage customers beyond transactions, such as loyalty programs, community building, and educational content.

7. Employee experience and training

    •    Employee satisfaction: Recognize that happy employees lead to happy customers. Invest in your employees' well-being and job satisfaction.

    •    Training: Provide comprehensive training to ensure employees understand customer needs and are equipped to deliver exceptional service.

8. Feedback loop and continuous improvement

    •    Act on feedback: Regularly collect and analyze feedback and use it to make informed decisions to improve products, services, and customer interactions.

    •    Iterative improvement: Adopt a culture of continuous improvement, always looking for ways to enhance the customer experience.

9. Technology and innovation

    •    Leveraging technology: Use technology, such as CRM systems, AI, and analytics tools, to enhance interactions and provide insights into improving CX.

    •    Innovative solutions: Stay ahead of customer expectations by continually seeking innovative ways to solve their problems and enhance their experience.

10. Emotional connection

    •    Build trust: Establish trust through transparency, honesty, and empathy in every interaction.

    •    Exceed expectations: Aim to delight customers by going above and beyond their expectations, creating memorable and positive experiences.

The heart of Customer experience is precisely there❤️

In the emotional context of business, customer experience transcends mere transactions to become a critical driver of emotional engagement, loyalty, and business success.

Emotions influence customers' feelings about every interaction and their overall perception of their relationship with a brand. By prioritizing emotional connections through CX, businesses foster lasting relationships contributing to sustained growth and profitability.

In an increasingly detached digital world, those emotional connections become even more valuable, acting as a cornerstone for building trust and loyalty in the digital age.